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Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Rare Moment of Quiet

What a difference a year makes.

Tucker has a fair amount of puppy energy and we have been having a great summer. I have been spending lots of time in the back in the "covered" area reading. I have several books going and in the back yard I have been reading Darwin, his Daughter and Evolution. It was written by one of his great grandchildren from letters and lots of other things like family mementos and the stories of his relatives. It is not the easiest book to read because it if full of English Victorian references that probably mean something to someone English. It is sort of 19th century name dropping. Besides that, it is very very interesting. Darwin was in his 20's when he sailed on the Beagle and did not publish his theory until much later. He was independent wealthy had 7 or 8 kids and was not sure if God existed. Lots of people were questioning many things about their world.

Reading this makes me shudder. Annie, Darwin's daughter dies at age 10 from a 9 month illness. It was never determined during their time what it was but the opinion is TB. The treatments, the medications, the fact anyone ever lived after seeing the doctor is mindboggling. Anyone for some mercury and ammonia, is guess it perks one right up......... Not to mention a bit of brandy with gruel. They were very pleased with water therapy. It did no harm which was improvement over "treatment."

I wonder if someone is going to read this blog, 150 years from now and have the same thoughts, Cytoxon, Methotrexate, Prednison, what were those people thinking?

We all think we live in the most advanced times. My Grandmother used to state with wonder the things she had seen in her lifetime. From the horse and buggy to Man on the Moon. She was born pre-antibiotics.

We have been born in Pre-???? I guess only time will tell. I only wish we spent more money on research and less on testing the urine of athletes.

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