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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Only One more LP in IR for an IT....

6:15 a.m.  Leave house with child that has had nothing to eat or drink for many hours.

6:45 a.m.  Arrive at Children's  have a great choice of parking spots.

6:48 a.m. Discover 5th floor doors are not open.

7:00 a.m. check in. 

7:10 a.m. Find "our" room.  (They have fixed the squeeky door.)

7:15 a.m. to 7:52 a.m.:  Parade of doctors and nurses and more doctors and then our favorite Karyn B with a bit of chemo. 
7:53 a.m.:  Off to IR (interventional radiation).  Lindsey took me in to see the giant television screen and all the fancy do-das and lots of big X-Ray machines.

8:45 a.m.: Beeped, child is done.

9:30 a.m.: Return to the recovery area.  Child brought in all covered and in tons of pain.  But this time pain meds had been ordered and it made all the difference. 

Dr. Thomas Started all this.  Won a Nobel Prize, met the King and Queen of Sweden and I bet wore a tux. 
LP (Lumbar Puncture was a breeze).  Hip hurt like heck.  The BMT needed a whole bunch of bone marrow.  It took three pokes to get all they needed.  The skin biopsy went without the a hitch.

10:00 a.m-.: Child wheeled to Hem/Onc clinic for her caffine infusion.  (I had mine the old fasion way.)

10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.:  Slow drips, need for a scone, visit with a Mom with a child at day 19.  Chat with the BMT inpatient people.  Running into people that say "Why are you here?!"  and great smiles of relief when I say:  "only clinic". 

Infusion done, wheel child to the car, drive to the SCCA clinic, transfer child to the wheel chair. take child to the lab. 

Why? Why would you have to travel from one hospital to another clinic while the child spent 7 hours in the hospital where they have top notch labs and people that know how to get blood out of a stone, if necessary.  BMT needed a CBC on the same day as the bone marrow asspiration.  They did not want Children's to do the blood work.  They would not let me have the blood drawn at Children's and have me take it to SCCA.    They would not let Children's draw the blood and send it over the SCCA even though they do that all the time. 

So we put on our big girl panties and had blood drawn from the child at the SCCA lab. 

As far as I see it.  They owe us one. Permission to go somewhere.... a bit outside of the range.  A bit of mexican cheese, a flower in the house.  Something. 

I will figure it out. 

9:00 a.m. tomorrow Off to Children's for Liver Ultra sound. 

Oh, btw,  the bone marrow was chunkie.  Chunkie bone marrow is good.... or so they tell me.

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