Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

She and Frederica are gong to Mexico Today

Well, how do I feel about that?  Well, given the heat and her mood I am more than happy that she is going with friends on an adventure.  I have warned her that there is lots of big meat, cars with long horns, lots of cowboy boots and big hair.  She thought I meant car horns.  I think she will also be surprised by what she is going to see in Cozumel.  It is very different than Mazatlan.  Her 2000 pesos will not go as far as usual. 
I am also worried about the trip.  I am not a hovering mom but then even I have bouts of clingyness.  I hope I can make the most of the time she is gone.  I would love to not think about what has been happening and assume the cloak of being normal.
So,  one more day........

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