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Thursday, September 09, 2004

Mary-Elizabeth is getting tattooed

She will have three freckle marks on her back. For the rest of her life. See God gets you. I told her she never was to get a tattoo and now I am paying for it. I said no Cell phone and now we have so many phone's I want to scream.

Each and every step is a new challenge. I am just overwhelmed with it all today. I found out today that Regents will not pay for her Zofan without a fight.( This is the drug that keeps her from getting nausiated. They would prefer we use something that makes people crazy later in life. Karyn is asking for 100 they want to give me 12. I may have to see what they cost. I don't have the strength to fight it all. I guess the insurance company would like me to get fired so that I could not pay the premium and then they would not have to pay for the next 29 months one week of treatment. The reality is she will always need extra care. I loved being told by the RadioOncologist that the radiation we are giving her causes brain tumors. Isn't that where we started?

Oh, we did an ultrasound today. The tech couldn't find the blood clot, in either side of her neck. I did get to see the corroded artery sitting right under the jugular vein. It was great.

Okay, I will quit whinnying. I am just really dreading the next 65 days. I am dreading she won't be in remission and won't get to move on to Consolidation. I dread we are moving on to Consolidation and have to face a whole new set of drugs and side affects and more side affects. God, what did I do to have to go through this? What did I do so M-E has to go through this? I know there is no answer to those questions. I just need to ask them on occasion. Should I worry about 2400 rads? They are going to turn her into Dorrie for a while. Oh, well, we will have a chance to see what she will be like when she is a little old lady. God, I want her to be a little old lady. So here we go, pray for remission on the 13th. She was diagnosed on the 13th, she should be in remission on that day. Before this is all over she may just go from 12 to 14.

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