Blog Archive

Thursday, February 03, 2005

This is where I leave my prayers and hopes and try to keep life together

It has come to my attention that some people think I am wasting time that could be better spent by sitting here for a few moments and writing. This is where I try to deal with the hand I have been dealt and try and figure out how it all makes sense. I have limits of time and attention.

This is a form of prayer and meditation for me. To think that someone thinks I should not be given ten minutes a day is painful. I have been keeping so many balls in the air for so long. Everyone says that I should take care of myself. What a great idea. I should go to the gym or for long walks. I am happy if I get to go to the store for a loaf of bread. I find it more important to try and keep my sense of humor and find hope in Mary-Elizabeth's illness and struggle.

I have to go now. I have to get ready for day 9 of the arbitration that has involved all my attention. I will be able to be more attentive to everyone and everything next week.


Anonymous said...

Sally, your words ARE prayer, they ARE therapy, they ARE inspiring, and they ARE very, very wise.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible you are misunderstanding something someone said or wrote? It seems clear to this reader that your log is, among other things, your outlet, your release that allows you to keep your sanity (I'll refrain from any attempt at light-hearted humor regarding your pre ME illness state of mind or what may have passed for sanity at that time). No one could doubt the value of this journal that you have chosen to share with all who care to read it. Press on.

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell thinks they have the right to tell you anything?? Absurd! I'll take a flame thrower to them!