Blog Archive

Monday, November 21, 2011

So...... We enter Cord Blood World

so no Bone Marrow Match but they have located sufficient Cord Blood.  I am not really sure what they means other than a mother, or several mother's recognized the need for cord blood and donated it.

I love mothers.  They don't just take care of their children, most also worry about other children.

I think this is our general Schedule.

1. 5 days of Chemo 11-30
2. Meet with transplant people on 12-27
3. A bunch of stuff
4. Transplant on or bout the 16th of January.

Takes my breath away.


maggie said...

So now I've been reading about cord transplants (on the Internet) and they actually sound like fewer complications). But I'm not you and MEB.

Lafcadio said...

Mothers are indeed the best

Anonymous said...

Thank God the Bush-ites didn't get around to making cord blood illegal. (Whoops - if anyone is listening, I of course love all politicians. They are the best. Really. Please don't lock me up!)
This is great news. I am celebrating!!! Love