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Saturday, January 07, 2012

DAY 9....Paper

Mary-Elizabeth loves to be organized.  She has been working on the world's cutest notebook to keep track of her life and her transplant.

She has a book, and lists, and dividers and stuff and places to put cards.  I love that she has taken over this part of her treatment.  Her meds, her dressing changes, her appointments. 

She is enough like me that when she is not deep in that place she will soon travel, then I will step back in and be the keeper of the note book.

Together we will track the journey on paper, in a notebook, between the tabs with the perfect pens.

Now to find the ornament boxes to take down the tree.  We will need other things to make the nights seem less dark.

1 comment:

Candi Merrill said...

Bone marrow transplants are nothing short of a miracle. Don't pay too much attention to the statistics that you are quoted. Mary Elizabeth is a unique individual, not a statistic. Hang in there, you will get what you want.

Roger had a transplant in November 2010, fell off the path to a cure, got back on the path and is doing well again. It's not easy, but it is possible.

Godspeed to you both.