We have seen a 1940's army camper, a front loader under an Ernst Hardware tent, a sail boat, a zodiac with motor, a cabin cruiser and a mail carrier's jeep come out of the back yard. We have seen truck load after truck load of stuff be hauled away. We watched the opening of the garage wondered in the amount of wood, planks, metal fence posts and other long pieces of timber there were. We have watched as the garage sagged and counted the moments before the certain collapse would occur. We marveled at the discovery of the 1940's white Volvo with the old toilet perched on top. We could not believe that there was an extra engine that later emerged. The stuff keeps on leaving and no one is sure if the 1952 Airstream is still there.
Our neighbor is a hoarder. He is a very nice and gentle man that is kind to children and all of God's creatures and would never let an item go unclaimed. He is moving. Finally the city left enough notes on his doors and the insurance company complained and the fire my brother extinguished helped convince him it was time to go. He will never be forgotten but not missed.
The move has entertained my mother and M-E. It has been a source of amazement for me. I was horrified and ready to clean Ohio house out. I have now realized I could be a massive collector of every thing under the sun and never, ever, have as much stuff as he has moved.
I think the moral of the story is that even when you are all tapped out there seems to be more in your garage that will keep you going. I am feeling very tired right now. I finally have a cold. M-E's numbers are high enough that I don't have to leave the house. The last three months have caught up with me.
It has been three months. We are supposed to be done with this phase on Monday but we are three weeks behind. Her nasty shot is on Monday. She is dreading it but will make it through to the end of this phase. We have a bit of a break. Only a couple of appointments a week. If we can make it through without an infection..........
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