Blog Archive

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I hate that Life is not Fair but then We would all get sick of Candy!

I am pouting and playing the "woe is me" record. No dream trip to the spa and rest and relaxation for me. I guess I should have just given up when I had to change it the first time. It is just falling apart all around. First a problem at the office kept me from being able to go. I had a situation that could not wait and had to be handled. Then the person that was supposed to go with M-E to Camp Good Times backed out so she is not going to that camp during the same week I had planned to go.

I guess I could leave anyway but then the whole purpose was to be able to go and relax. I could camp M-E with her dad or her grandparents or send her to Idaho or to Arizona but then I would worry about hobbling together a plan. I will just tough it out and not think about it.

I have thought about a few days or some other sort of plan but don't seem to have the energy to put it all together again. While a couple of days seems like a good idea I just really need to have some real time. It takes me three or four days to relax. I have to get out of town, have everything planned so I don't have to worry. Maybe some other time.

Okay, I feel better. It helps to whine.

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