Blog Archive

Monday, January 04, 2010

Amy Humphrey Lanham

We were all sitting around and she mentioned that she was not on the Google search engine. She had "googled" herself and did not find a mention. I am wondering how long it will take for this entry to show up. This is sort of a test.

We are all worried about her. She has medullary carcinoma and is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday. It is the only treatment for this form of thyroid cancer. It involves a 6 hour surgery. The entire thyroid and one set of lymph nodes have to come out. There are lots of very important nerves that run through that area. There is a good chance that a nerve will be damaged and because there are so many of them, she has an entire laundry list of things that can go wrong.

Loss of voice, use of right arm, stopping of heart, breathing function. Need I say more. There is a 30 percent chance she will not survive surgery.

Time to light some candles, bargain with Buddha, do a sacrifice or three and then just whine to what ever supreme power you deal with in the day to day thing that is your life.

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