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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Some things are just more scary than others.

If your are a doctor's kid and were 5 years old when your dad when to medical school your mind is very hyperactive when certain things are said.

I was sure that every fever Mary-Elizabeth had when she was a child was Spinal Meningitis.  I did finally learn over the years that a fever+headache did not mean certain death if you could bend your neck forward to touch your chin to your chest. 

Mid-week Mary-Elizabeth casually mentioned her neck was hurting.  She had some swollen glands and a headache. 

Doctor Sally diagnosed: Mumps. 

Let me tell you, such words should never be spoken on this floor.  There was real panic in the voice of the doctors. 

There were long discussions on what it could be and sent her for a CT.

That was when I realized not only did she have Spinal Meningitis but Lymphoma. 

We went stat for the CT.  Scary place but one that requires little time.

The techs did not gasp or have "the look" but then I still fretted for about 24 hours when the results were returned.

No swollen lymph nodes (no lymphoma).  No Abscesses (what they were worried about.)
No more headache and never any fever so no Spinal Meningitis.

I still am sure it is mumps and here is why: She has been given multiple daily doses of Tylenol because of all the blood products and it masks fevers.  She has so few white cells she would never have a decent fever. She is on a huge doses of anti-biotics and anti-virals so she is being treated already for every possible kind of things that can be treated. She still has her swollen glands so I think she has mumps.

I think she is feeling funky because they have radiated her, poisoned her and give her a million and one drugs and don't let her sleep. 

I don't think we get to go home until the blue ball falls out of the tree.


Lafcadio said...

Two things:

1. I have learned through my own medical misadventures that the body is damn mysterious and has symptoms and aches/pains/feelings that the doctors are not even close to understanding. The docs don't always like to admit this, but it is true. In my view, this is often just the body doing the hard work of healing and it is usually a good sign.

2. I am going to drive by and throw rocks at that blue ball

Heidi Behrens-Benedict said...

Jesus, Dear ~ it's terrifying just to read this. I'll see you both tomorrow for another design consult. XOXO ~ Heidi