Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beware the Ides of March

I was on the computer last night and M-E picked up Julius Cesar and started to read it. She found the language to be a bit difficult at first but then it began to flow a bit better. She did not get very far but I think these kids could benefit from some Shakespeare.

Each month has an "Ides". It is the 15th. I guess our mantra is "Beware the 13th of August". We all have such days. They are the days that certain life changing events occurred. As our "Ides" slips by each month I say an extra prayer. I don't ever want to ignore that date. I don't want to be silly enough to assume that there will not be more of them in the future. Days where the news alters reality forever. I don't want to slip back into the complacency that gives us all an unending future.

It is always a struggle to know that we must plan and prepare for the future but then know that there might not be a future but then need to prepare for the future. Hummmmm maybe that is a problem I can not solve.

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