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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mac and Cheese Recipe

Fun shaped Pasta- one box. cooked about half way.
Saute (fancy name for fry) in some a little bit of olive oil, one small finely chopped onion, one green, red or yellow or orange pepper, add two hot Italian sausages,

Mix pasta and other stuff in a backing dish.

take a cube of butter 3 or 4 tablespoons of flour and combine. Add a half a cup of half and half and a 1.5 cups of milk simmer until it thickens a bit. Add at least three types of cheese about a cup of each. I used aged Gouda, medium Cheddar and a Gruyere. Melt all the cheese and pour over the pasta

Top with bread crumbs and shredded Parmesan. Bake for 45 minutes.

Variations, any kind of meat, mushrooms, veggies, artichokes, asparagus, salami, chicken, Any kind of cheese that seems to be around. It is fair game.

confession: Favorite Mac and Cheese. Kraft.

1 comment:

Nonna Madonna said...

Not cooking right now. Departing Friday. But Little Clam loves mac and cheese. So will keep this in mind. He is gluten intolerant (Grandma L.'s mormon heritage?) but we are beginning to think he is okay with dairy. Mame is lactose intolerant (gasses her something fierce) so she drinks raw milk and uses raw cheese. So hard to tell with him. But adapting. Good to hear you writing so prolifically. Will try to post along the road. Talk with you soon.