Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

FedX and the traveling Dell

So, first they build them, then they send them. FEDX is the preferred method. To keep you from bothering them endlessly they send you a tracking number.

On February 28Th FEDX was notified with shipping information.
March 2nd it arrived at the FedX facility
March 3rd it left California
March 4th if arrived in Portland. Spent 12 hours
March 5th at 1:04 am it left Portland
March 5th it arrived in Kent at 5:34 a.m. It was supposed to be delivered that day.
March 6th in transit. Okay, that might be hopeful.
March 6th it was having spa day in Kent
March 7th it was shopping at the Mall in Kent
March 8th it went to see all the academy award movies in 3D
March 9th at the crack of dawn, it was still hanging out in Kent

I TRACKED down a phone number (no easy task) called, questioned the fact it had been in Kent longer than at the factory and was told there had been:
A HUB MISDIRECTION....... Oh, I hope it's okay. It just sounds so so bad. Hate when our hubs are misdirected.

I just checked the progress:

March 9th arrived 5:45 p.m. AUBURN (South of Kent) maybe 15 miles...... it must have been going by giant land turtle

Check in for an update tomorrow.

I LOVE TRACKING NUMBERS. There will be screaming in the A.M. if it is not OUT FOR DELIVERY

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