Blog Archive

Friday, July 14, 2006

She is Back at Camp and the Healing Ceremony gets only Stranger

WE made a trek yesterday to places in Washington called Home and Maure and down roads with names like Herron with signs that said- Dead-end and No-Exit. I think those are the same thing but I am not sure.

There is a very good reason that the Camp people provide a bus. I would no more haul her to the end of the earth and go pick her up every year.....

The important thing is that she back. I saw where "they" were sprained. Makes perfect sense. The kids were very happy to see her. She was happy to be back. The place is a bit of heaven and I am sure she will do great.

The ceremony is getting stranger and stranger. Belle spent some time with Gerald King and explained the new accidents and he was deeply concerned. Things had to change. The Lamb dies but not in our presence. She can not be with the Lamb as it is dispatched. It will not help the healing. The ceremony time has been changed. It must now start very early in the morning and be finished by Noon. Why? you ask, well "I could explain it to you in Navaho" seems to be the answer. Also there will be a need for more money because the grill and wood need to be purchased.

Also did I mention that we have another lamb. Albert's Grandmother wants us to use. Well you cannot say no and of course you would be honored, and so Belle now has livestock.

Time to get ready for work.

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