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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wise Words

" I know what I can do. I just don't know what I want to do."

Ruth Verhoff 1-27-07

I have been having these crazy dreams the last few nights. Long working dreams. The one's where you wake up tired. The ones that keep going even after you wake up and go back to sleep. They are the type where you are lost in a dark dark town. You finally find someone and find a place to stay but have to keep going to get there. I ended up in Vermont. I could look out over the valley and was perplexed as to why I did not see any cows. En route to Vermont, we must not forget the giant mother and baby skunk in the field. Or the small problem with my backing into the 1944 WinWam ( Looked like a VW Van to me) The blond teenager wanted to know if I was going to help pay for the small crease in the fender and asked for $2500.00. Evidently it is expensive to fix a 1944 WinWam. I was at the movie theater before I realized I had insurance. Then there was the evil neighbor that would not leave us alone and we came home and had to leave our house and stay with them, but they were moving but could not move until he delivered the baby that was due on that day. His wife was ready to go to work and I had to stay and there was a big rottweiler that needed to go for a ride and I took him and everyone wanted to pet him and he was vicious and I could not find a place to turn around to go home...............

See, sleep is exhausting and confusing and oh so disturbing. I think I have to make some changes in my life and my dreams are definitely search dreams. We shall see what tonight shall bring.

M-E update: No news is good news.

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