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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Tribute to those in a Different Place

This is my dear friend Maggie's favorite Venice picture ( The gold one.). It was taken in the Farrie church and is so 15th century over the top. It also is a reliquary. The little gold things that you see hold pieces of Saints bodies and pieces of the cross and items like that. The Italian churches are full of the stuff. But when you look at it it is shockingly beautiful. It is the thinking about what it is that gets you in trouble.

As we travel through this month and head into next, I am beginning to have those hard flash backs. I keep remembering what was going on a year ago and two years ago. June 17, 2004 at 5:22 pm our world changed. I then count my blessings that we have that sort of history with Leukemia at all. I look at M-E in the picture, taken in front of her favorite house on Burrano, and how could you ever tell she had been/is sick. It is all in how you look her. I see my daughter, who has been to hell and back. I see that she has great hair, a great smile, the picture of health. In my heart I pray every moment of every day that she is always this child. The one that "appears" so healthy. I know that someday, I will come to trust she will be okay. Just as on the outside, the other picture is beautiful.

There is always the cold side of reality. Over the months, I have been reading the blog of Diana. In February, her daughter Hannah lost her battle, as it was beginning, with ALL. The link is to Diana's Blog. Diana has a great attitude, she has a positive spirit. She has been through so much. She is having such a hard time with her struggle. It is a daily reminder to me that I am so so lucky. I need to look at the obvious beauty.

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