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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Message from Elise.

Great friends.

We have had a very quiet day. I took Lorraine to the airport, went grocery shopping and went back to bed. I just could not get out of bed. I slept for 6 hours with the dogs. It has been a long time since I have done that. I thought I would feel like I was never going back to bed but I can not wait to return. I guess I was tired. It has been a lot time since I felt I could just collapse like that. Now the dogs are running around like crazy. Tucker is carrying around his 2 lb hand weight. Go figure. He loves it until it drops on his paw.

Below is a message from Elise. I love these children with cancer. They are in the middle of cancer treatment and they are able to look outside themselves and see others in need.

Elise is scheduled to receive a transplant next week. She is at the beginning of a long wait. Once she has her transplant they will be in the hospital for about a month and the first 100 days are very important to see if the transplant takes.

I guess the moral of the story is that all of us need prayer and respite from our lives. That is why we have each other.

- ELise here Hey guys I know a getting lotsa prayers 'cause they are working, slowly but surely.Well at first I was nervous about radition becasue you hhave to stand VERY still for 3 minutes per beam or 9 minutes on the front, nine on back and as most of you know that could be VERY diffucult!:) but it wasn't horrible 'cause I brought some music. now I can do 9 minutes without taking a break!!!!! It doesn't hurt at all, the only thing is a loud buzzing noise. BBBBBUUUUUZZZZZZ anyway my next (and last, yipieee) treatment of radiation is a 2 today. Also I was wondering if you could pray for my friend Fanny, she has AML amd is not doing well. She is haveing trouble breathing if her (bp) blood pressure drops at all she will be moved to the ICU(intensive care unit). I really would appreatiate it if you prayed for Fanny so she can run and laugh and hang out with friends. She is an amazing 10 yr old and heeps my spirits up when I 'm sad!!! Please pray for Fanny! B4N (bye for now) EC

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