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Monday, December 11, 2006

Post-Chemo Depression

It is not found in any versions of the known DMIV that keeps track of those sorts of things. I think M-E has a case of it. Last night she said it did not seem like it was over. I would agree with her but then.......

She said that even though the chemo made her tired and was a constant reminder that she had cancer, she said it was a comfort zone. She knew what to expect and how she would feel. Now she is waiting to see how she is going to feel.

Because of the long use of the drugs, the recovery will not be swift. She is going to work on rebuilding her red blood cells. She has been on the low side of the supply and all of that takes time. Reds are weird creatures. They live for 120 days or so and evidently don't always get much of the bone marrow factory time. They say it will take six months for her to recover her counts. They will increase slowly over time.

I would prefer a bit bump. Maybe back to normal in a week or so. Seems reasonable. You would think that if they could kill them so fast they should have figured out a way to make them come back. Seems only fair.

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