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Thursday, March 03, 2005

We Survived the Hospital

Well we made it out of the hospital. M-E had her cytoxon and ara-c. She was supposed to have surgery on Wednesday. I started to wonder about the entire surgery thing when no one came to talk with us. I started asking questions but found that she was not on the schedule. I have discovered that the Surgeons and the Hem/Onc people don't have what one would call a "good working relationship". I think there are some surgeon egos that get in the way.

Hem/Onc doctors are a rare breed. They have their priorities straight. They are very worried and attached to their patients. They sort of show up at the beginning of the preparation of Thanksgiving dinner, in the early morning and help chop the veggies for the dressing. They become members of the family. They stick around to put the good dishes away. The Surgeons are more the drive through McDonald's and eat in the car type. In and out. Oh, well there are some relatives you don't want to stay for dessert.

We are scheduled for a drive through tomorrow. One day at a time. One procedure at a time. One blood test at a time.

I realized that this time in the hospital was very different. We having settled into the routine. We know the staff, we have nurses that give us hugs and do special things for us. We have not real anxiety about the process. We understand how to go there and not eat in the cafeteria. We know when to ask questions and when we just need to wait. It has become routine. In some ways it is good. In other's it is very scary that we can be that casual about it. I guess that is what 6 months of treatment will do for you.

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