Blog Archive

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A year ago today.

We had fasting blood draws and an appointment with our regular doctor. He ruled out lukemia (Jokes on all of us. Had the lab looked at a slide they would have seen bad lymphoblasts but then her counts were normal and now with the medical industry the way it is.......) He ruled out diabetes, kidney and heart failure and all the other medical possibilities. We then went to see Steven Kim, Dr. "Well, it might not be a brain tumor." He was a retinal specialist. He sent us on to Dr. May,
a Neuro Opthomoligist.

That night about 8:30 our doctor called to see what had transpired. Getting a call from your primary care physician that late at night does not make you feel better about what you are facing.

It was a week-end of worry. Little did we know.

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