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Friday, May 04, 2012

Spreading our Wings, a bit.

Sort of Scary.  Sort of Bold.  Sort of........  This is such a weird place to be.  We just hopped in the car and drove beyond 30 minutes.  We did not make it to Flower World because as we headed north the dark foreboding rain clouds headed south and then they let loose of their cargo.  You get the picture.

We ended up at Maltby Cafe.  The home the 5 pound cinnamon roll.  (We brought most of it home.) Then, just because, we started down a road to an unknown place.  Remember we were being bold. 

In case you are wondering, Maltby road leads to the Bothell-Woodenville road.  Turn left and drive through a million and one strip malls and arrive in Bothell.  Turn Right and head back to town.  Okay, not much of an adventure but we did find a really big transfer station. 

It was just nice not to be too worried about being so far away.  She has about 60% of her immune system back.  Some T-Cells.  Some other assorted white blood cells but there are a million of things that she had to experience again in order to really be able to go forth, explore and go back to College. 

 ALL of her Baby Shots. All of them.  Oh well she does not remember the first ones.  Scarred,  my child is going to be forever scarred.  Or maybe I will be the one that needs therapy.  I remember commenting to my doctor that I thought the reason kids were not fully vaccinated had to do with how hard it was to watch your kids go through the process.  
 Happy 1st Birthday Lily.

Little did I know vaccinations were the least of what I would watch her do. 

So, we will continue.  Keep alert.  Keep an eye out for GVH as some of her medicines are withdrawn, Keep praying and recognize each day is one closer to the real end of this process, January 24, 2013.

1 comment:

Nonna Madonna said...

Little by little you and M-E are doing the many difficult things that seem to be required for each of you to regain a full life. You are doing it. It has seemed so overwhelming to me as I read your reports and yet you are doing it. Progress, says the cautious optimist, is being made.