Blog Archive

Friday, February 11, 2005

We are Waiting for Results

A whole lot of the last month's energy has gone to being a lawyer. It has taken a toll on me and M-E. She has had a very hard time with me being gone and pre-ocuppied. I don't know how to make the world a different place. I have promised that I will not work at home at night. I will only work during agreed upon hours at home. I will turn off my Blackberry and the phone. I guess that is fair.

She has been acting like the dog that punishes you for leaving it outside. She ignores me, trys to tell me she does not care that I am home and then cries at night that I was not there for dinner. I remember saying the same things to my dad. I never had to say them to my mom.

I want to be a good Mom but I also have to be a provider. I wish I only had one pair of shoes to fill.

We are almost 6 months into this process. We will continue. We have no choice. We are too far out on a limb to turn back.

One step at a time. One day at a time. One hour at a time.

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