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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Perspectives and Points of View

Sadie as Super Dog Or being humilated by her owner for the sake of a holiday card.

WE all have a different perspective on life. Our filters keep the world in our view and not that of the rest of the world. We are changed each and every day as a new truth or reality slips into place as a new lens on a camera or that weird thing the eye doctor uses to see what your prescription should be.

I sit here this morning in awe as to how much mine has changed. Some of the good, some not so good. M-E's illness has pulled my focus away from many points of concentration. Since she was diagnosed, all efforts have gone into her recovery. The amount of energy it has taken is hard to measure. It is not that I have had more energy, it has just been focused more intensely.

It is sort of like Sadie. She has a god given desire and purpose in life to hunt the "rodents" of the world. She has generalized and now includes all small creatures that will run from her. She can not be shifted off focus for very long. Her determination to "get" the creature is overpowering to her. She will get the creature.

She is sitting by me in her kennel as we speak. She has been very agitated this week over the raccoons. They have been enjoying the almost ripe grape buffet. This morning she was especially nuts. I heard her bark like the house was on fire, while a flood was happening. I went down stairs to put her back to bed.

Sitting at Lucy's bowl was a cat door sized raccoon. Sadie was so angry and upset her heart was about to jump out of her chest. Her world had been invaded and she could not get to the 'culprits'. I have never seen Sadie so focused. From her perspective, she was doing the right thing. From mine, she was doing an good job as a watch dog. From Mary-E's she was just a big noisy problem.

Sadie put on a great show for the raccoon. She barked and jumped and ran and tried and tried to leave the floor but gravity was not cooperating. The raccoon was nonplussed by Sadie's activity but managed to saunter out when Sadie's reinforcements arrived.

Sadie felt vindicated. She has been telling us for years that we are about to be attacked and she is ready to defend. I am going back to bed now. From my perspective that is the only thing to do.

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