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Monday, October 17, 2005

Full Moon Spinal Tap

Sounds like a bad name of a bad teenage horror flick.

She is asleep. She is NPO or nothing by mouth. I have to wake her up soon and then we have to leave for the hospital by 7:30 a.m. She will be having an ultrasound on the spot where she had a blood clot in her jugular vein and then down to clinic for a blood draw and the old Methaltrexate into the spine routine.

Then home for some important post sleep.

We met our new Make a Wish person yesterday. Tera and Keith came over with pizza and Italian soda. They had a chance to meet Ruth and Whitney. It was nice. Zeeks Pizza donated the food. I am amazed at the generosity of people and organizations.

No one wants a child that can receive a Wish but working with this group has been very gratifying. They are a first class organization.

We are trying to replace bad experiences with good. Having Pizza with your "Wish" volunteers close to a full moon in a "Good Thing."

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