Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day -7.... Or how I Iost the bet about the Oreo Milk Shake

so, we are still here.  Hoping to get moved to a room that has a bigger space. The place we have now has no room for any of my clothing or stuff and only a small amount of MEB's cloths.  We are sort of camping.

She has had a dose of chemo that will be repeated today.  Then she will also begin the three days of Cytoxin.  High high doses.  This is the regiment that requires high amounts of fluid and on the dot, every two hours of "bladder elimination"  The cytoxin does not make the bladder happy so they flush it out as quickly as possible.  Could be three very long days and nights.  

So with 5 doses of chemo and 8 doses of radiation, her bone marrow is gone.  She has no immune system at all.  It would be gone, it would not come back and she would die. We are in the hands of the doctors, Mary-Elizabeth's body and the powers of the universe, and to Ellie Mary and Pearl Ann to make Mary-Elizabeth whole.  Oh, dear, what have we done.....  We have done what we have to do.... Novena time.

On a happier note. It only took 2 days to obtain a real Oreo milkshake from the kitchen.

I will let you decide which one was made by Kami, our new favorite person.

Time for some coffee to ready me for the day.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying here. Dear God, listen up, please.
Love, Roslyn