Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This should be with last years stuff. July 9 2004

I am only putting this here because it won't let me do it where it belongs. I am trying to get the entire blog together in one place. When I print and edit the blog, I do so on single pages so this will be put in the right place. Belle, don't call me in a panic. This is last year...................... Have a nice day.

Good Morning:

I hope you all understand how grateful I am to everyone and appreciate your support. This is such a crazy time and it seems like I am dealing with a Chinese puzzle box. Every time I think I have solved the puzzle a new door appears.

Yesterday Mary-E had a CT scan and we went to see the Neuro Ophthalmologist and a Neuro Surgeon. The consensus is the "anomaly" ( the weird bump she has on the back of her head that she never mentioned and no one noticed before and only found because she had some weird unexplained hemorrhages in the back of her eyes) must be removed. It is pressing on the sagittal sinus ( main vessel that is on the top of our brains) and needs to come off. M-E has named the anomaly Frederica. She will also be having a bone scan to see if Frederica has friends or family in any of her other bones.

She will have a small portion of her skull removed and replaced with a material that will eventually become bone. If the "anomaly" has not entered the sagittal sinus she will be home free. If it has, she will have to have some radiation of some sort. She is already planning how to cover the part of the head that will have to be shaved. As always she is doing great. I am developing heart burn, and a tick. I was asked by a sales clerk if I qualified for the senior discount. I was horrified but when I think about it I should have said yes.

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